Friday, October 28, 2011

6 Month Check-up

Taylor had her 6 month check-up just a few days ago and is doing so great! Her doctor is very impressed with the muscle tone she has been able to develop and how well she can support her head and sit up.


Taylor is really growing by leaps and bounds too. She is now 27i long and weighs 13lbs 14oz. Her weight is tracking on a pretty consistent curve from her last few check-ups, but her length made a huge jump! This puts her above average for weight and in the 90th percentile for height, meaning only about 10 percent of babies with Down Syndrome are taller than her.

When compared to children without Down Syndrome she is in the 9th percentile for her weight and in the 82nd percentile for her height. So no matter which way you look at it she is really tall!



Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011

A Fathers Oath

A Fathers Oath

Taylor, I write this to you on your sixth month birthday. For six months you have now blessed our lives, it is impossible to imagine what my life was, or would have been, without you. This is my oath to you as your Father, let any who read this hold me to it.

I have, do and always will Love you. Life would be so easy, so simple if that alone was enough. I know you will need much more from me.

You, as part of my family is what is most important. I will not let my intentions of doing what is best get in the way of what is most important.

I will help you grow and learn by teaching you what I can, and learning from you what I don't.

I will help you reach every goal and dream you have, even if it means letting you stumble along the way.

I will be your friend. But not at the expense of being your father.

I will be there for you whenever you need me, Lord give me the wisdom to hear her call.

I will fail at things. But I will never give up on you. Even if you give up on me.

I will give you a life filled with hope and happiness.

I will teach you about Love, Faith, Hope and all the other wonderful things about life. I will also teach you of ignorance, hatred, jealousy  and greed, fore if I don't the world would.

I will protect you, you will always be safe with me.

I Love you Taylor Lynn Horrell. Now and forever. This is my Oath

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fall Happenings

We can hardly believe that it is fall already and it is starting to cool off outside. BUT cooler weather means introducing Taylor to our fall traditions!

Our little pumpkin has already made a cameo at Edwards Apple Orchard and even though she didn't get to sip on any cider, she got lots of ooohs and aaahs from many people for being the cutest baby in the world!

This weekend we will have an autumn photo shoot shot by my oh so amazingly talented sister Stephanie. I CANNOT WAIT FOR YOU TO SEE THE PICTURES!!!! Here is a little hint of what we are going to do: Brian and I are going to buy a pumpkin and measure it against Taylor. Stumped? You will just have to wait and see what genius and adorably cute idea we have.

Taylor has Halloween costume ready and Erwin has already made his pumpkin costume debut around the house! What a pair they are going to make!

We hope you are enjoying Fall as much as we are!