Monday, July 23, 2012

Summer update

Wow has this summer been going by quickly, and it is not going to slow down until sometime in October!

We have been busy trying to fit in all the activities we want to do over the summer, all the while trying to stay cool. It has been very hot up here, sometimes hitting record breaking temperatures.

Taylor has been very busy as well. She is making great strides in her physical therapy, it seems like every day she makes a noticeable advancement. She is so very close to crawling it is both exciting and terrifying (this weekend we will be buying more baby gates!). She is also making strides towards walking (pun intended) by standing with very little assistance. She is slowly getting over her previous aversion to having weight on her feet; because of this she has “rediscovered” her jumper!

She has also officially cut her first tooth, with a second one close behind it. She continues to discover new foods through us feeding her off our plates. There seems to be very few foods she doesn’t like, I think she gets this from her father.

Taylor has also been in swimming classes every Saturday for the last 6 weeks. She is a natural in the water! I truly believe that this is one of the reasons we have been seeing such advances in her gross motor skills this last month or so. The other reason she has been advancing is due to doubling up her therapy sessions; we have one every other week now!

Taylor has also discovered a new talent. This one she most definitely gets from her mother. Taylor loves to sing! She started out by copying a song that Kelly has been singing to her since she was born. Now she will start singing this song (the words are all various forms of “da”) on her own and starting to come up with her own. This is a huge deal because it further confirms what we have known all along, Taylor will be verbal. With this in mind we are getting more into learning and teaching her baby sign language. We know she is already trying to communicate with us, she just can’t use words yet. She is already full of gestures and different sounds when she wants something. We have been doing our best to decipher these while encouraging her to learn the signs for common messages. The goal is to increase the level of 2-way communication between us. As she starts to communicate more consistently she will start dropping the signs and using more and more words.

 All of this has kept us plenty busy with much more to do!

We hope you all are enjoying your summer as much as we are.