Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Thank You to our Friends and Family

As Sunday quickly approaches and we are finishing our preparations for the Awareness walk, I keep stopping to think about the outpouring of love we have seen from our friends and family. From Brian, Taylor and I we truly thank you all from the bottoms of our hearts.

Your encouraging words, steadfast support and love have truly rocked our world.  Where we are today is such a stronger, more confident place than where we were last year at this time.

Because of all of you we have become stronger, more confident, ready to show the world that Down Syndrome is not something to shy away from. It is a 17 month old little girl with crazy hair who sings all the time.

So thank you! Thank you all so very, very much!

Monday, September 24, 2012

The Walk is Sunday!

We are on the home stretch now – The walk is this Sunday!

A little update on where we currently stand:
With the very generous help of our friends, family and Direct Supply, our team is currently in second place for the fundraising competition!
We also have over 100 people registered to walk, which shatters all previous records going back 16 years!

If you would still like to join us (Team Taylor’s Wild One’s), or would like to donate, it is not too late! Pre-registration will be accepted online until Wednesday, after that you can still register the day of the walk. All donations must be in before noon on Wednesday to be counted towards the fundraising competition!

This is the first year that my wife and I have done this walk. When we were talking about our goals we decided that a team of 20 people, raising a total of $2,000 would be outstanding. With all of your help we have shattered both goals. Thank you very much for your support!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Fall Happenings 2012

Taylor and Daddy

Taylor telling her toys to behave themselves

The Puppy Dog