Wednesday, March 21, 2012

World Down Syndrome Day

Today is World Down Syndrome Day. Today we celebrate our precious baby girl who has an extra chromosome. Just one little extra chromosome that has changed all of our lives.

One year ago today I was working at Junior Achievement, prepping my boss, Barbara, and an intern for my maternity leave and had an orientation with a new volunteer later in the afternoon. I did not have one thought of Down Syndrome. I had actually denied having the testing done because Brian and I decided that what happens, happens and we were not going to spend the pregnancy filled with anxiety. I remember thinking that it won’t be an issue for us anyways so why even bother with the test. Our ultrasounds did not show anything, my pregnancy was ridiculously easy and I was feeling great besides not being able to sleep on my stomach.

One year ago, if you would have asked me what Down Syndrome meant I would have said things like, sad and lonely, and different. I would not be able to relate. Today, on March 21st, Down Syndrome is so much more.
Down Syndrome is overwhelming love, beauty, sweet little baby giggles, silly monster voices, the best baby kisses in the world, and the sweetest snuggles I have ever experienced. My daughter has Down Syndrome and I love her with all of my heart. Today we celebrate you Taylor. You have impacted so many lives and changed mine for the better. I promise to do everything in power to make you feel happy and loved and to show you that the world is full of amazing things and amazing people. I promise to change people’s perception of Down Syndrome, and show them that it is not sad and lonely. That it is love. Pure, overwhelming, and all encompassing love.


Brenda said...

Awesome post and awesome family! I'm proud to be part of your family, goodonya!

sabrina said...

Love you sweet baby Taylor!!