Thursday, May 19, 2011

Checking in

Hello All!

Hopefully removing the requirement to sign in has helped everyone stay current with the blog. I have enjoyed writing it probably more than you have enjoyed reading it!

Tomorrow is one of the first steps in getting Taylor specialized care. We will be visited in our home by a rep from the Birth-to-Three program. She will be assessing Taylor for the first time and going over an initial consultation with us. Sadly Brian will not be able to get away from work for this meeting, however, Julie has been gracious enough to be present with Kelly. Erwin will be going to work with Brian, it is about time that dog earns his keep.

We will surely have updates after tomorrow and will be sure to keep everything current here.

Thank you all for your continued support, well wishes and prayers! We couldn’t do this without all of you.

1 comment:

kghorrel said...

I know you hate to miss this and we'll all be anxiously waiting for the update. Prayers always and I definitely feel like she will get a really good initial evaluation!