Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Dr. Appointment Update

Taylor had another follow-up appointment today. She is doing great! She is officially over 6 pounds, up from her birth weight of 5lbs 5 oz. Her doctor did another eye and nose check and everything is looking good.

One of the big questions for her doctor today was about daycare, and if Taylor would be ok with standard daycare or if she would need something specialized. She confirmed that Taylor would be fine in a standard daycare setting, so the last hurdle to clear for that is to talk to the provider (Kim) to be sure she does not have any questions or objections.

We will be contacting the Children’s Hospital this week and will be getting a lot more familiar with their offering and what we should be doing. The Milwaukee Children’s Hospital here has a specialized Down Syndrome Clinic, which I am sure will be an outstanding resource.

Taylor’s doctor will also be contacting the rep for the Birth to 3 program and they will be coming out to our house to give Taylor an initial assessment as far as muscle tone and development goes. They will help us with the exercises that we are going with Taylor to be sure we are doing everything properly and that we are doing all that we can.

So all good news and we are starting to get the ball rolling on everything else Taylor needs.

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